Monday, March 28, 2011

Macys 1st woodduck!

Went into my local woodduck spot this morning to try and get in a hunt before class. It's a quick hunt because I can drive out, walk in the swamp, toss out a few decoys, wait for the woodies to fly out from their roost, and if successful I'm home in time to grab my books and be at 8:30 class. It's a bit weird watching some of my teammates headed to morning practice on their scooters as I drive through campus on the way to hunt... Leaning against a cypress in the woods listening for ducks to announce their approach is a piece of cake compared to a 2 hour workout! I brought Macy since it was a bit cold and I had a tiny leak in my waders- if things came together and I could shoot straight she could retrieve my birds without me having to get wet/ cold.. luckily things panned out and Macy got to retrieve her 1st wood duck- a beautiful drake that flew by in small group. I couldn't have had a bigger smile on my face as she swam back in to me with her drake! Gave me a feeling I imagine my father had when taking me on some of my first hunts...  I'm sure I missed a few birds flying out while I took her picture with the drake and sent to my dad but oh well... there's always tomorrow...

Snapped this pic as soon as she came in..

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